Friday, January 21, 2011


Hello! This week's blog is about one little word that has big meaning for me, BELIEVE.

Recently a client told me, "I believe in you Rosanna!" I felt his words go all through me. At the time he didn't realize how much I needed to hear that and how much that word BELIEVE really means to me. That word conjures up amazing feelings for me.

I adopted this word as mine back in the summer of 2010 while I was going through a seperation from my husband. I was reading the book Eat Pray Love and in one of the chapters Elizabeth Gilbert describes a time in Italy where she was asked what one word would describe her. I really liked this metaphor and when I thought of this for myself, the word believe came to mind right away.

This word "fit" me like a glove because if I didn't truly believe in myself and in the Universe, I would not have made the difficult decision to leave my marriage. Ever since that time, this word has really popped up everywhere; on billboards signs, Christmas ornaments (which I promptly purchased!), posters, through other people. It's like Spirit spoke to me through this word because I would notice it whenever I felt not so faithful during my transition from married life to single life.

It's been 8 months since I made that difficult decision to change my life and I truly feel that Spirit helped me to believe that I will be ok and make it to the other side of divorce. Now this word is so ingrained in my being that I am able to help others believe in themselves too. Once you believe, you trust. Thank you Spirit!

So what word would describe you? Once you have your word, notice how Spirit will remind you of it, it will be all around you!

To Your Spirit Speak,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

How does Spirit Speak to me?

EVERYONE has a capacity to “tune” into their intuition and receive Divine guidance.  It’s like tuning into the right station on the radio. If the reception is fuzzy we put up the antenna or adjust the knobs to gain clarity of the station. By learning how to open the “channels” of communication, you put up your antenna and begin to receive the information more clearly.

Because we are all our unique selves, we all have different communication styles. This principal also applies to how we connect with our intuition to receive divine guidance.

There are “four channels” to divine communication.

  1. Clairvoyance-clear seeing; pictures in our outside your mind, visions, auras, colored lights, noticing a billboard sign, seeing a message on TV, vivid dreams.
  2. Claircognizance-clear knowing; suddenly knowing something for a fact, without having any previous knowledge about it.  Like saying, “I don’t know how I know, I just know!” Repetitive thoughts, brilliant ideas or knowledge.
  3. Clairsentience-clear feeling; receiving guidance through emotions “I have a gut feeling that..” or having physical sensations such as smell, tightened muscles, shivers/goose bumps, sensitive to touch, butterflies or knots in your stomach.
  4. Clairaudience.-clear hearing; hearing guidance coming from the outside or from the inside of your mind. This is the still, small voice from within, gently guiding you. This voice may or may not sound like your own voice.
How to do you know which channel(s) are open for you?
If you are mainly Clairvoyant you would:
  • Say things like, “I see what you are saying”, “I can see myself being successful”, and “I have so many crazy dreams!”
  • You really appreciate paintings, drawings, colorful scenery
  • You are very creative & have the ability to easily visualize
  • Notice what someone is wearing right away
If you are mainly Claircognizant you would:
  • Have great ideas or insights, people always wonder where you come up with these ideas!
  • Constant thoughts in your mind
  • Always think outside the box!
  • Know how to fix something without even reading the manual
  • Frequently say, “I know what you mean”
If you are mainly Clairsentient you would:
  • Feel others emotions; very empathetic
  • Have hyper sensitive feelings
  • Get frequent goose bumps or shivers in the body
  • Most of your sentences begin with, “I feel this way about..”
If you are mainly Clairaudient you would:
  • Have frequent ringing or buzzing in the ears
  • Have a good ear for music/sounds; can pick up a melody quickly
  • Have sensitive hearing; sirens or loud noises bother you
  • A great listener!
  • Frequently say, “I hear what you are saying”
So which one of the above channels describe you the most? You may have more than one but most people have only one or two of these channels open at first.

After time and practice you can open all of your channels. Initially, it’s best to focus on developing the one or two channels you already have and the other ones will naturally follow.

So next time you need to "tap" in for divine guidance, ask your question and pay close attention what you see, feel, hear and think. These are answers to your prayers!

To Your Spirit Speak,