Hello and happy Fall!
As a new season begins, new reasons of hope arise. This is how I have been feeling as the new season of fall began recently.
During the summer, I was feeling guided to take better care of myself; I took some time off work, went on plenty of nature walks, started a personal training program, started to eat healthier and did ALOT of meditating. The result is that I am able to be in and maintain a more peaceful state being, even during some challenging times. I had a revelation recently that it is imperative I take really good care of myself not only to maintain a healthy body but more importantly to maintain a healthy mind. A healthy mind equals balanced emotions. I believe that our thoughts create our emotions. If you have negative thoughts, they create unbalanced emotions such as fear, anxiety, worry. By taking better care of myself, I found that I stayed in mostly a postive state of mind, which created a postive state of being. By being in a positive and peaceful state, I was aligning more with the vibration of my Angel's and Guides.
The more peaceful and positive you are, the more you are able to receive, trust and follow Divine Guidance. I have experienced alot of changes these past few months and at some points began to feel overwhelmed, so I decided to turn inward and tune into my Angel's and Guides for some relief and assistance. This is the message I lovingly received..
"Look at all the challenges around you as opportunities to connect and cultivate your own inner truth..go within..stay within. This is the only place you will find peace amoungst the chaos of the outer world."
My Guides were telling me to go within and stay in my centre, to remember who I am and not allow external circumstances to take me away from this place of my truth. So, I have taken their advice and truly believe that whatever needs resolution in my life will be resolved and all is well.
Once you follow your intuition and say YES to it, Spirit will always send confirmation that you are indeed hearing them and making the right decisions. My confirmation for saying yes to taking care of myself and raising my vibration to align more with the Spirit Realm, came when I attended a three day workshop in September. The main concept of this seminar was aligning yourself to your truth to maintain a high state of being (vibration) so you can gain results in your life. This made so much sense to me since I was already on the path of alignment!
Since this seminar, I have taken a hard look at myself and my life to see what is not in alignment with my truth. I have made a committment to change those thoughts, beliefs and behaviours that are not serving my truth anymore. By aligning myself to my truth, I raise my vibration to not only connect more deeply with my Angel's and Guides but to also create and manifest the life I've always dreamed of.
If it is to be, it is up to me!
So what areas of your life are not in alignment with your truth? Committ to making those changes and watch how the new beginnings will unfold for you.
To your Truth,
Rosanna Sardella