Sunday, December 12, 2010

Feel Joy Now!

Hello and welcome to this week's blog!

The past week or so I've been feeling joy and love in my heart. Nothing extraordinary happened lately, the only thing I've been really feeling lately is gratitude for my life and what I have in my life right now. I guess being grateful is extraordinary because like I said no amazing "thing" happened. Of course I'm grateful for my family, my dog, friends and work. But lately I've been giving gratitude for those little things in life that make life so much easier.  Such as my shower, my car, the washer and dryer, microwave, my computer, etc. I have to say this has really made a difference in how I've been feeling. I feel calmer, more open and in the present moment.

Quite often people will wait for good to happen in their lives before they feel joy and happiness. But I've recently realized that WHY WAIT TO FEEL JOY? We so easily allow ourselves to feel pain, sorrow, anger, etc. because we are so conditioned to feel this way automatically. But what is stopping you to feel joy? It's just as easy to feel happy as it is to feel unhappy. It's a matter of choice so why would you choose unhappiness? What helped me to really feel joy in my heart is having constant gratitude. I really feel gratitude is the key to happiness and manifesting good things in your life.

If you are struggling to find anything to be grateful for right now, I want you to imagine or pretend you have one thing that would make your life joyful. Really see it in your mind's eye and once you have it there, place this image in your heart and really feel what it is like to have that joy. Feel it in your body and imagine that your experiencing it right there and then. Allow yourself to feel joy, happiness, gratitude and whatever other emotions that may come. There you go, you just have realized joy without actually having any thing.

I really believe Spirit helped me to move towards feeling joy. I've been asking spirit to fill my heart with peace and balance and as always they delivered. Thank you Angels & Spirit Guides!

To Your Spirit Speak,

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