Sunday, June 12, 2011

Surrendering to a Higher Plan

Hello spirit speakers!

I woke up this morning feeling motivated to write, I haven't been feeling it for awhile and was getting concerened as to why that was. But this morning I felt inspired to write about surrendering to your soul's calling and releasing what you thought your life would be.

In the past, I had all these preconceived notions of what my life was going to be. In a nutshell, I saw myself married, with children and having a fulfilling and successful career. All in that order too, I just thought well that's what I want and that's what most people strive for. I thought I was on the right track with my "plan" when I got married at the age of 30, but something else took over. My ex-husband and I were living in a nice house and had decent income so we decided to try for a baby. Well two years into trying, nothing happened, but instead of looking at why we weren't conceiving, internally I felt my plan changing. Although I desperately wanted to become a mother, I felt a calling to do something else. That calling came in 2008 when I felt pulled to start living my life's purpose and helping others.

At the time, the calling was much stronger than becoming a mother. I heard and saw spirit calling to me that whole year to get on the path of my destiny, but I was devastated! I thought, what about becoming a mother and having a family that I've always dreamed about? At this point in my life I knew that my "plan" was going out the window and I had to trust that my calling was for my higher good. At the time I felt like two different people wanting different paths. One part of me wanted to stay on my plan to be married and have kids with my husband at the time, and the other part of me wanted to break free and find inner peace and fullfillment, which I felt could only be found through finding my life's purpose. Obviously I chose my higher plan, it was too strong of a pull to deny it!

So now fast forward three years later since I chose the path to my calling, and I have to say I don't regret this choice at all. I have received SO much love, peace and fullfillment on this path of helping others. During this time I let go of all areas of my life that did not align with my Higher plan, that's including my marriage. I now realize that my Higher plan was to find my purpose, serve others, but most importantly to love myself enough to choose the most love filled, fullfilling life I can imagine. I'm on my way to realizing my full potential and it feels exciting, free and full of love and light! My dreams now still include being happily married with children, but now it encompasses way more, including helping the world!

I found the most difficult part of the surrending to my Higher plan was allowing doubts and fears to erode the joy and peace that was waitng for me. Looking back now, I realize that I didn't fully trust in what my heart was calling me to do. Now I know that my heart will ALWAYS lead me into my dreams and help me feel unlimited in the process.

So I ask you now, what is your heart calling you to do? Spirit speaks through your heart and dreams so listen up, pay attention because your heart knows what's best for you. Most of all, SURRENDER and TRUST in what your heart is calling you to do. I promise, it will never lead you wrong.



  1. Thank you for posting this Rosanna, You have helped me immensely , because of your help I have grown as a person and expanded my spiritual self.

  2. "always 2 paths", you've said.. sometimes pushing yourself out of the "comforatable" choice is the hardest, bestest thing you can be brave enough to do..

  3. Shelley, you are so welcome and I hope you are enjoying the journey!

    Dale, yes bravery is key but it helps to know that you have the Angels on your side helping you to be brave!

    thank you for commenting on this post ☺
