Thursday, October 6, 2011

Aligning yourself to receive Divine Guidance

Hello and happy Fall!

As a new season begins, new reasons of hope arise. This is how I have been feeling as the new season of fall began recently.

During the summer, I was feeling guided to take better care of myself; I took some time off work, went on plenty of nature walks, started a personal training program, started to eat healthier and did ALOT of meditating. The result is that I am able to be in and maintain a more peaceful state being, even during some challenging times. I had a revelation recently that it is imperative I take really good care of myself not only to maintain a healthy body but more importantly to maintain a healthy mind. A healthy mind equals balanced emotions. I believe that our thoughts create our emotions. If you have negative thoughts, they create unbalanced emotions such as fear, anxiety, worry. By taking better care of myself, I found that I stayed in mostly a postive state of mind, which created a postive state of being. By being in a positive and peaceful state, I was aligning more with the vibration of my Angel's and Guides.

The more peaceful and positive you are, the more you are able to receive, trust and follow Divine Guidance. I have experienced alot of changes these past few months and at some points began to feel overwhelmed, so I decided to turn inward and tune into my Angel's and Guides for some relief and assistance. This is the message I lovingly received..

"Look at all the challenges around you as opportunities to connect and cultivate your own inner truth..go within..stay within. This is the only place you will find peace amoungst the chaos of the outer world."

My Guides were telling me to go within and stay in my centre, to remember who I am and not allow external circumstances to take me away from this place of my truth. So, I have taken their advice and truly believe that whatever needs resolution in my life will be resolved and all is well.

Once you follow your intuition and say YES to it, Spirit will always send confirmation that you are indeed hearing them and making the right decisions. My confirmation for saying yes to taking care of myself and raising my vibration to align more with the Spirit Realm, came when I attended a three day workshop in September. The main concept of this seminar was aligning yourself to your truth to maintain a high state of being (vibration) so you can gain results in your life. This made so much sense to me since I was already on the path of alignment!

Since this seminar, I have taken a hard look at myself and my life to see what is not in alignment with my truth. I have made a committment to change those thoughts, beliefs and behaviours that are not serving my truth anymore. By aligning myself to my truth, I raise my vibration to not only connect more deeply with my Angel's and Guides but to also create and manifest the life I've always dreamed of.

If it is to be, it is up to me!

So what areas of your life are not in alignment with your truth? Committ to making those changes and watch how the new beginnings will unfold for you.

To your Truth,
Rosanna Sardella

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Surrendering to a Higher Plan

Hello spirit speakers!

I woke up this morning feeling motivated to write, I haven't been feeling it for awhile and was getting concerened as to why that was. But this morning I felt inspired to write about surrendering to your soul's calling and releasing what you thought your life would be.

In the past, I had all these preconceived notions of what my life was going to be. In a nutshell, I saw myself married, with children and having a fulfilling and successful career. All in that order too, I just thought well that's what I want and that's what most people strive for. I thought I was on the right track with my "plan" when I got married at the age of 30, but something else took over. My ex-husband and I were living in a nice house and had decent income so we decided to try for a baby. Well two years into trying, nothing happened, but instead of looking at why we weren't conceiving, internally I felt my plan changing. Although I desperately wanted to become a mother, I felt a calling to do something else. That calling came in 2008 when I felt pulled to start living my life's purpose and helping others.

At the time, the calling was much stronger than becoming a mother. I heard and saw spirit calling to me that whole year to get on the path of my destiny, but I was devastated! I thought, what about becoming a mother and having a family that I've always dreamed about? At this point in my life I knew that my "plan" was going out the window and I had to trust that my calling was for my higher good. At the time I felt like two different people wanting different paths. One part of me wanted to stay on my plan to be married and have kids with my husband at the time, and the other part of me wanted to break free and find inner peace and fullfillment, which I felt could only be found through finding my life's purpose. Obviously I chose my higher plan, it was too strong of a pull to deny it!

So now fast forward three years later since I chose the path to my calling, and I have to say I don't regret this choice at all. I have received SO much love, peace and fullfillment on this path of helping others. During this time I let go of all areas of my life that did not align with my Higher plan, that's including my marriage. I now realize that my Higher plan was to find my purpose, serve others, but most importantly to love myself enough to choose the most love filled, fullfilling life I can imagine. I'm on my way to realizing my full potential and it feels exciting, free and full of love and light! My dreams now still include being happily married with children, but now it encompasses way more, including helping the world!

I found the most difficult part of the surrending to my Higher plan was allowing doubts and fears to erode the joy and peace that was waitng for me. Looking back now, I realize that I didn't fully trust in what my heart was calling me to do. Now I know that my heart will ALWAYS lead me into my dreams and help me feel unlimited in the process.

So I ask you now, what is your heart calling you to do? Spirit speaks through your heart and dreams so listen up, pay attention because your heart knows what's best for you. Most of all, SURRENDER and TRUST in what your heart is calling you to do. I promise, it will never lead you wrong.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

What is Ego...Really?

Hello fellow spirit beings!!

In the spirituality world, I hear alot of people talking about ego so I felt compelled to write about my own experiences with ego these past few weeks. I have to admit I almost didn't write this blog because to admit that even I can succumb to ego REALLY bothers me. I know better!!

I realize that part of my life path and purpose is to go through and experience all the human form in it's fullest expression in order to recognize my own infinite strength and divine light. In order to experience this I must go through some trials and tribulations to get this knowing. As the saying goes, "you don't know something until you experience doing it".  So here is my perspective on what ego is and how to deal with it when you let it get out of control.

For me, the ego mind is fueled by our subconscious mind. Whatever beliefs you hold about yourself and the world around you will be stored in this part of the mind. The subconscious mind is like a computer and was programmed at a very young age, between 0-5 years. So whatever was happening during this time in your life will contribute to your own subconscious programming. Most of us carry around a dysfunctional and virus ridden program, therefore fueling a dysfunctional ego. But just like a computer, you can remove viruses and upgrade your programming in your subconscious mind and therefore creating a healthy ego.

Just think about it this way, when you feed your body unhealthy substances, you create an unhealthy body. Same goes for your mind, feed it unhealthy thoughts and you will create and unbalanced ego and mind.

Your thoughts truly do create your reality!

So how do you create a healthy ego mind? Simple, feed it LOVE. Love yourself by saying and thinking loving thoughts and words to yourself, ask for help, reach out to others and be there for yourself. You can reprogramme your mind, you can heal yourself! Here are some of the tools I use to heal &  balance my ego:
  • I use affirmations daily and often
  • Hypnosis
  • Meditate
  • Journal my thoughts & feelings
  • Reach out to others
  • Ask my angels & spirit guides to help me have loving and positive thoughts
 I believe that as long as I am human, I have ego. Let's face it, we need ego! My ego mind drives and motivates me to get out there, do my work, live my purpose and have a better life. I have chosen to be on a path to creating a healthy ego so it can fuel my divine life purpose!

The most important thing to remember is to not allow your ego mind fears to stop you from moving forward on your path. This is what I have learned these past few weeks, it is important to KEEP GOING and recognize the blessings in your life right now.

Your Angels & Spirit Guides want to help you become balanced, whole and complete. Ask them to help you find that balance within your mind so you can remember the divine light that is you.

To your spirit speak,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spirit Speaks in Repetition

Hello spirit speakers!

I am so grateful that spring is finally here, the birds are singing and it feels like a good time for renewal and rejuvenation!

Today I felt guided to talk about my experiences with seeing repetitve messages from my Spirit Guides. Since early 2009, I repeatedly see number sequences such as 23, 22, 222. My Guides love to send me messages this way because they know I will notice the repeating numbers and take it a sign or a message.

It first started with the number 23. When I first started this journey of awakening my soul's purpose, I would see this number everywhere, on buses, tv, in articles, books. Almost everytime I would look at the time it was at 23 minutes. So after a few months of seeing this number non stop, I decided to research it and I found a book called Angel Numbers by Doreen Virtue (highly recommend if you are seeing numbers all the time!). In her book she states that if you see this number often that means that one or more ascended masters (highly evolved Spirit Guides) are working with you right now for your purpose. At the time it made sense since I was searching for more meaning in my life. Finding this information gave me some comfort knowing that the "calling" I was feeling was valid and to keep going.

Most recently it's the numbers 22 or 222, I have been seeing these numbers since spring of last year ever since I left my marriage. I mainly see these numbers on license plates, houses, books. When I looked up the meaning of these numbers it means to keep the faith and trust all is working out for the best. Well I certainly needed to be reminded of that during my separation.

Now just to clarify, I am NOT searching for these numbers. I simply live my day out and I am drawn to looking a certain directions or locations and these numbers almost always appear when I follow my natural instincts.

This is just one of the many ways my Spirit Guides speak to me. Because I am a visual person, they know I will pick up visual messages. But if you are not visual that's ok, notice what you hear, feel and think that are repetitive. Those are also messages from your Spirit Guides and you will receive these messages over and over again until you get the message! Believe me, it will get to the point of "ok I get it!". In my experience, I find that once they know I've received the message, the message slows down or disappears all together.

Your Spirit Guides are always sending messages to you, they are very subtle most of the time. I like to call it planting seeds for future growth because you won't always consciously know what the message is. Please know this, you do not need to know what the message is, when you are ready to receive it, it will come to your conscsious awareness at the right time and space for your path.

To your spirit speak,

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Blame it on the planets.

Hello spirit speakers!

I have to first say that I am not an astrologer...but I do know a little about the signs and planets. I felt compelled to write about this topic because of recent major planetary influences that I feel are contributing to some major shifting locally and globally.

First, it was the full moon this past weekend...and I heard it was a SUPER MOON! The week leading up to and on the day of any full moon is all about releasing emotions, situations and yes even people that are not serving us anymore. This may be conscious effort or not (usually easier when it's conscious!). So if you felt more emotional, sensitive or just plain crappy then blame it on the heightened energy of the full moon-especally the super one's!

Now, I just heard that we are going into what's called Mercury Retrograde. From what I know of this shift is that during this period of time (which I'm not sure how long it's going to be) you may feel like your going "backwards" instead of forwards (hence the return of winter in Calgary!). You may also experience electronic shortages, feelings of frustration, time going slow. But the most important thing to realize in this kind of planetary shift is that all types of communciation may go awry. Including speaking and writing, it just won't feel flowing and open.

So you might be asking, what is the point of all this shifting? Well the point of this is literally to help shift ourselves. During these times, you will feel more triggored emotionally, this is a great time to release these emotions. Healing cannot happen unless we allow unhealthy and unbalanced emotions to surface first.  The planets help us do this! So pay attention to what triggor's you lately and coming up, these are signs of energy that must go!

These are the times of awakening. Why not use this time to finally let go what is not serving us anymore? During these planetary times, all you have to do is relax and take care of yourself. Go with the flow of what is hapenning within you and around you, not only will you feel calmer you also help yourself to awaken what's really deep inside of you.

To Your Spirit Speak,

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Listening to your Inner Wisdom

Hello fellow spirit beings!

This week's blog is about tapping into that part within yourself that is wise, all knowing and all loving. Now you might be assuming I am speaking about your intuition or higher self, but I am talking about tapping into your inner child.

As children, we are already sensitive and open to spirit. Especially as babies, we can still see, feel and hear our Angels, Spirit Guides and heavenly love. Imagine if we were able to speak as babies, we would be able to tell the world where we just came from!

I remember as a child being so sensitive to my environment. Growing up in a broken home, I could feel and sense the pain and fear within my family unit. I could also sense when spirits were around, I was always afraid of the dark. I used to (and still do) have many vivid dreams at night which sometimes kept me up. As a child, I didn't understand my sensitivities, all I knew was that my home life felt "wrong" and I felt very different than other people.

As we grow up and become more aware of our surroundings, we find out that most people around us do not share in our insights and awarenesses. We feel we need to "belong" here and we begin to shut down our psychic senses. To children, our parents are the most important role models and protectors, so to please them and feel we belong to them, we don't allow ourselves to remain open to spirit.  When children to try to tell their parents that they see a man in their bedroom or that they see sparkles of light, parents tend to blame it on their imagination and send the child away. This is not the fault of the parents, they just don't have the knowledge to educate their little ones. By the age of 5 we have shut down our third eye and our spirit senses.

My belief is that we all still carry that child within us and we need to tap into our inner child in order to fully experience our intuition. Through doing my own inner child work and working with others inner child, I found that most people carry a wounded and scared child within them. I believe we need to heal this part within us so we can begin to trust in the world around us and more importantly trust in ourselves again. If we don't trust in what we are receiving as inner guidance then we will not follow what our intuition is telling us.

Once you begin healing your own inner child, your psychic senses will begin opening up again. For me, I became more clairvoyant and began having amazing insights and dreams about my path. My intuition sharpened and I was able to receive information quickly. Sometimes when I am doing a reading for a client, I can't talk as fast as I'm getting the information. I feel my inner child is really helping me bring forward the messages.

Now you may be wondering how to begin this process of healing. Please do not let your ego mind tell you that it's going to be difficult, because I'll tell you from personal experience, that it is not! Just like when children fall down and hurt themselves, they cry and wimper but soon enough they get right back up and continue to play. This is what inner child healing is like. All you have to do is acknowledge this part within you, ask what it needs, give it what it needs and soon enough your inner child begin to play again and trust it will be taken care of.  Your inner child is screaming at you to pay attention to it, so listen up and begin the process of healing.

An easy way to access your inner child is to simply:
  • Sit in a comfortable chair or lie down
  • Quiet your mind (yes you can do this!!)
  • Take 3 deep breaths in through your nose and exhale out through your mouth
  • In your mind bring up an image when you were 5 years old; where do you feel this 5 year old within you?
  • Pay attention to the feelings that come up as you imagine and feel this 5 year old
  • Have a conversation with this image
  • Ask, what is it that you need?
  • Listen
  • Act upon the guidance you receive.
Practice this daily and soon it will become easier and easier to listen to that child within you. If you and your little one need help healing, please contact me at 403-400-3715 or

What does your inner child want to do today?

To your Inner Child Spirit,

Friday, February 18, 2011

A Conversation With My Higher Self

Hello fellow spirit beings!

When you are on a spiritual path, every day seems filled with anticipation of what will be revealed in that day. There are always new revelations and awarenesses revealed, once you open up your energy to receive them.Well I definitely had a profound revelation today.

Today is Full Moon and me being born under Cancer sun sign, this always affects me. Depending on what is happening around my life at the time of the full moon, depends on how I feel on and around that day. The point of the full moon energy is to release (physcially or emotionally) what is not serving us anymore. Well my emotions leading up to this month's full moon were mainly good but it has been a bit of a struggle to keep my spirits high this month. Obviously there were some emotions that needed to surface in order for them to be released.

So this morning, on the day of the full moon, I really felt all those emotions that I was trying to hammer down before, started bubbling up within me and now overflowing out of me. My head ached, my throat was sore, I felt very low in energy and all around I felt miserable. My "normal" reaction to feeling this way is to listen to affirmations CD's or do a meditation but this day I didn't want to do that. Instead, I decided to allow myself to wallow, swim, and drown myself in these low emotions. I gave myself permission to just let it be and allow these emotions to do it's thing.

I'm not sure what came over me to allow myself to do this. All I kept hearing in my head was just let it happen. So I gave in, stop resisting it and let it flow. By early evening all that low energy had waned and I started to feel like myself again. Wow that wasn't so hard after all! I went with the energy and purpose of the full moon and it helped me to release whatever needed to release. I finally stopped resisting.

Now this is where the real revelation occurred. As I was driving home tonight from a dinner out with family and friends, I began having a conversation with myself. I was going over in my head everything I have gone through in the last two years and how challenging it all has been and how I couldn't wait until this part of my life was over.  Then I heard myself respond by saying, when you are through this time in your life, you will look back and realize how this time in your life made you strong, how much you have learned and how this time was the beginning of YOU. You will realize that you can feel freedom and fullfillment at the same time you are going through pain.

Wow what a message!! This internal voice, which sounded like me, was so wise and peaceful and felt so close to me, like it was me but different. I immediatley knew that this was my higher self speaking to me.

I usually receive alot of messages from my Angels & Spirit Guides while I'm driving but tonight this message came right from my Higher soul. So you may ask, how do I know it was my Higher Self and not the Angels?

When I communicate to the Angels & Spirit Guides I feel they are outside myself, like outside my energy field. I still hear them quite well but I know they are not of me. They also speak to me in the third person like, Rosanna you know you can do this!! The communication I was having driving home was like I was talking to myself but the voice that was talking was me at a higher level of understanding.

I feel so grateful to have received this message today. It was unintentional and unexpected to say the least. I find the best revelations come when you are not expecting them; but they come when you need them.

To Your Spirit Speak,

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Heal & Manifest with Spirit

Your Spiritual Team (God, Angels, Spirit Guides, etc) want to help you heal past wounds & conditioning so you can manifest your dream life. You are not alone on this journey called life and they want to remind you of this!

So how do you ask for help? In the spirit world, words are not important; spirit knows what’s in your heart and soul. All they require is for you to ask. There is a Universal law that spirit cannot interfere in our lives without us asking for their help.  I like to ask for help through prayer or meditation. I do like to use words to ask, here is an example of what I pray for:

“Angels and Spirit Guides, please help me to have positive thoughts and feelings about myself and help me manifest what I desire. I am open to receiving all that is for my best and highest good.”

Now it is true that sometimes what we ask for may not be part of our divine plan or divine timing. So I always ask for whatever is for my best and highest good and leave it at that. Sometimes what we think we want is actually not for the highest intention of our soul's mission and plan.

Another way you can ask Spirit for healing and manifesting is by asking the Angels to surround you and any issue around you with their healing light. You can visualize these colors or simply just ask for it to happen. There are different energy colors you can invoke to do just this. They are:

White Light-connects with all Divine energy and open channels to spirit.
Purple Light- provides clearing and protection from negative emotions and energy.
Pink Light- opens the heart and sends love and compassion. Helps with allowing open and loving communication.

I use these energy colors daily for myself and for others. They are very effective in helping with any negative situations or issues that need healing.

Healing and manifesting is simple as long as you continue to work on getting rid of limiting beliefs you have, ask for Divine help and TRUST it will happen. But healing and manifesting does require time and patience. It doesn’t happen overnight so it is important to ask Universe to supply you with abundant patience so everything you desire can happen in the right place and time.

Need proof this actually works?? About a month ago I asked Spirit to provide an opportunity where I could go on a retreat getaway in the mountains. I didn't care when or where. I even asked to have it either be free or low cost. I truly felt I needed time away from everything to regroup and rejuvenate. As per usual Spirit delivered even more than I expected because last week I attended a seminar and won a FREE retreat to Jasper. Honestly this happened!

I would love to hear your manifesting stories...

To Your Spirit Speak,

Friday, January 21, 2011


Hello! This week's blog is about one little word that has big meaning for me, BELIEVE.

Recently a client told me, "I believe in you Rosanna!" I felt his words go all through me. At the time he didn't realize how much I needed to hear that and how much that word BELIEVE really means to me. That word conjures up amazing feelings for me.

I adopted this word as mine back in the summer of 2010 while I was going through a seperation from my husband. I was reading the book Eat Pray Love and in one of the chapters Elizabeth Gilbert describes a time in Italy where she was asked what one word would describe her. I really liked this metaphor and when I thought of this for myself, the word believe came to mind right away.

This word "fit" me like a glove because if I didn't truly believe in myself and in the Universe, I would not have made the difficult decision to leave my marriage. Ever since that time, this word has really popped up everywhere; on billboards signs, Christmas ornaments (which I promptly purchased!), posters, through other people. It's like Spirit spoke to me through this word because I would notice it whenever I felt not so faithful during my transition from married life to single life.

It's been 8 months since I made that difficult decision to change my life and I truly feel that Spirit helped me to believe that I will be ok and make it to the other side of divorce. Now this word is so ingrained in my being that I am able to help others believe in themselves too. Once you believe, you trust. Thank you Spirit!

So what word would describe you? Once you have your word, notice how Spirit will remind you of it, it will be all around you!

To Your Spirit Speak,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

How does Spirit Speak to me?

EVERYONE has a capacity to “tune” into their intuition and receive Divine guidance.  It’s like tuning into the right station on the radio. If the reception is fuzzy we put up the antenna or adjust the knobs to gain clarity of the station. By learning how to open the “channels” of communication, you put up your antenna and begin to receive the information more clearly.

Because we are all our unique selves, we all have different communication styles. This principal also applies to how we connect with our intuition to receive divine guidance.

There are “four channels” to divine communication.

  1. Clairvoyance-clear seeing; pictures in our outside your mind, visions, auras, colored lights, noticing a billboard sign, seeing a message on TV, vivid dreams.
  2. Claircognizance-clear knowing; suddenly knowing something for a fact, without having any previous knowledge about it.  Like saying, “I don’t know how I know, I just know!” Repetitive thoughts, brilliant ideas or knowledge.
  3. Clairsentience-clear feeling; receiving guidance through emotions “I have a gut feeling that..” or having physical sensations such as smell, tightened muscles, shivers/goose bumps, sensitive to touch, butterflies or knots in your stomach.
  4. Clairaudience.-clear hearing; hearing guidance coming from the outside or from the inside of your mind. This is the still, small voice from within, gently guiding you. This voice may or may not sound like your own voice.
How to do you know which channel(s) are open for you?
If you are mainly Clairvoyant you would:
  • Say things like, “I see what you are saying”, “I can see myself being successful”, and “I have so many crazy dreams!”
  • You really appreciate paintings, drawings, colorful scenery
  • You are very creative & have the ability to easily visualize
  • Notice what someone is wearing right away
If you are mainly Claircognizant you would:
  • Have great ideas or insights, people always wonder where you come up with these ideas!
  • Constant thoughts in your mind
  • Always think outside the box!
  • Know how to fix something without even reading the manual
  • Frequently say, “I know what you mean”
If you are mainly Clairsentient you would:
  • Feel others emotions; very empathetic
  • Have hyper sensitive feelings
  • Get frequent goose bumps or shivers in the body
  • Most of your sentences begin with, “I feel this way about..”
If you are mainly Clairaudient you would:
  • Have frequent ringing or buzzing in the ears
  • Have a good ear for music/sounds; can pick up a melody quickly
  • Have sensitive hearing; sirens or loud noises bother you
  • A great listener!
  • Frequently say, “I hear what you are saying”
So which one of the above channels describe you the most? You may have more than one but most people have only one or two of these channels open at first.

After time and practice you can open all of your channels. Initially, it’s best to focus on developing the one or two channels you already have and the other ones will naturally follow.

So next time you need to "tap" in for divine guidance, ask your question and pay close attention what you see, feel, hear and think. These are answers to your prayers!

To Your Spirit Speak,