Hello spirit speakers!
I am so grateful that spring is finally here, the birds are singing and it feels like a good time for renewal and rejuvenation!
Today I felt guided to talk about my experiences with seeing repetitve messages from my Spirit Guides. Since early 2009, I repeatedly see number sequences such as 23, 22, 222. My Guides love to send me messages this way because they know I will notice the repeating numbers and take it a sign or a message.
It first started with the number 23. When I first started this journey of awakening my soul's purpose, I would see this number everywhere, on buses, tv, in articles, books. Almost everytime I would look at the time it was at 23 minutes. So after a few months of seeing this number non stop, I decided to research it and I found a book called Angel Numbers by Doreen Virtue (highly recommend if you are seeing numbers all the time!). In her book she states that if you see this number often that means that one or more ascended masters (highly evolved Spirit Guides) are working with you right now for your purpose. At the time it made sense since I was searching for more meaning in my life. Finding this information gave me some comfort knowing that the "calling" I was feeling was valid and to keep going.
Most recently it's the numbers 22 or 222, I have been seeing these numbers since spring of last year ever since I left my marriage. I mainly see these numbers on license plates, houses, books. When I looked up the meaning of these numbers it means to keep the faith and trust all is working out for the best. Well I certainly needed to be reminded of that during my separation.
Now just to clarify, I am NOT searching for these numbers. I simply live my day out and I am drawn to looking a certain directions or locations and these numbers almost always appear when I follow my natural instincts.
This is just one of the many ways my Spirit Guides speak to me. Because I am a visual person, they know I will pick up visual messages. But if you are not visual that's ok, notice what you hear, feel and think that are repetitive. Those are also messages from your Spirit Guides and you will receive these messages over and over again until you get the message! Believe me, it will get to the point of "ok I get it!". In my experience, I find that once they know I've received the message, the message slows down or disappears all together.
Your Spirit Guides are always sending messages to you, they are very subtle most of the time. I like to call it planting seeds for future growth because you won't always consciously know what the message is. Please know this, you do not need to know what the message is, when you are ready to receive it, it will come to your conscsious awareness at the right time and space for your path.
To your spirit speak,
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