Hello spirit speakers!
I have to first say that I am not an astrologer...but I do know a little about the signs and planets. I felt compelled to write about this topic because of recent major planetary influences that I feel are contributing to some major shifting locally and globally.
First, it was the full moon this past weekend...and I heard it was a SUPER MOON! The week leading up to and on the day of any full moon is all about releasing emotions, situations and yes even people that are not serving us anymore. This may be conscious effort or not (usually easier when it's conscious!). So if you felt more emotional, sensitive or just plain crappy then blame it on the heightened energy of the full moon-especally the super one's!
Now, I just heard that we are going into what's called Mercury Retrograde. From what I know of this shift is that during this period of time (which I'm not sure how long it's going to be) you may feel like your going "backwards" instead of forwards (hence the return of winter in Calgary!). You may also experience electronic shortages, feelings of frustration, time going slow. But the most important thing to realize in this kind of planetary shift is that all types of communciation may go awry. Including speaking and writing, it just won't feel flowing and open.
So you might be asking, what is the point of all this shifting? Well the point of this is literally to help shift ourselves. During these times, you will feel more triggored emotionally, this is a great time to release these emotions. Healing cannot happen unless we allow unhealthy and unbalanced emotions to surface first. The planets help us do this! So pay attention to what triggor's you lately and coming up, these are signs of energy that must go!
These are the times of awakening. Why not use this time to finally let go what is not serving us anymore? During these planetary times, all you have to do is relax and take care of yourself. Go with the flow of what is hapenning within you and around you, not only will you feel calmer you also help yourself to awaken what's really deep inside of you.
To Your Spirit Speak,
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